You take care of your employees,
we take care of their health.
The healthcare you deserve.
Comprehensive Health and Medical Program (“CHAMP”)
In today’s industry experts prevention is a key word to ensure productivity and timely project management. AOMS recognized that within our workforce and leadership personnel it is equally important to practice preventative health care for individuals so they can be the most optimal in all aspects of life, not just the workplace. To service this niche we are launching Corrib Health and Wellness to provide Comprehensive Health and Medical Programs for all members whom wish to avail of the same.
To learn more about this membership and the services provided please click here.
Primary Care Services
Corrib will provide a suite of services that can be accessed at our facility on Beaumont Hamel Way. Most of these services will be available as primary care items identified as required by an individual’s Family Physician for example: Venepuncture/blood collection; resting Echocardiograms; stress Echocardiograms; Independent Medical Evaluation of your existing health status to help patients navigate the public health systems; comprehensive review of rehabilitation programs and current status; to inquire about individual services click here.
Health Checks for New Canadians
AOMS and Corrib offer Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada medicals and as part of that service we often see many new Canadians in need of further medical insight into navigating the process and or seeking additional medical follow up. This component is designed in conjunction with the association of new Canadians to help individuals navigate the Canadian healthcare systems and find the appropriate ongoing care needed as they begin their endeavors in Canada. If you are a new Canadian or currently engaged in the process please feel free to inquire about what services are available to you here.